
German Orchid Society registered association
In the piece of tin 2
65527 Niedernhausen
Tel: 06127-2322
Fax: 06127-920329
President: Bernd Treder
Vice President: Monika Eckert
Vice-President: Franz-Josef Richardt
Registered in the register of associations at the District Court of Wiesbaden under number VR6434.
Tax assessed: Rheingau-Taunus tax office, Bad Schwalbach
Tax number: 004 250 57311
VAT ID: DE271352912

1.) Scope of this site
This page applies to the Internet offer and its subdomains, in particular for the forum and all linked pages.
The website and forum of the German Orchid Society registered association is an institution of the DOG according to the statutes § 2 point 3 f.
The Deutsche Orchideen Gesellschaft, represented by the Board of Directors, has unrestricted domiciliary rights in this facility. In addition to the DOG statutes, the following terms of use according to § 3 point 2 a also apply.
The board of directors transfers domiciliary rights to the forum employees (administrators, moderators) to fulfill the assigned tasks.
We wish for a friendly exchange about orchids. The forum is not a place for arguments and discord. So if you have private discrepancies, we ask you to discuss this privately.
The forum employees are authorized to make use of the DOG’s domiciliary rights. Users who attack, insult or otherwise behave inappropriately will be warned. In the event of a recurrence, it is at the discretion of the forum employee whether to restrict use or to block the user completely, even if it is a DOG member. After a blocking has taken place, the honorary council can, for the purpose of arbitration, acc. § 9 of the articles of association.
As a precaution, we would like to point out that only exchange offers are permitted in the forum. Sales offers will be deleted without consultation.

2.) Imprint
Webmaster, contact person and responsible for own content (see disclaimer) is:
Martin Kirsch
Ahrensburger Weg 10 a
22359 Hamburg
electronic postal address (e-mail)
All written inquiries should be sent to the above address or to the DOG office.
It is hereby pointed out that all data mentioned are only used to establish contact. Any other use or exploitation (e.g. for advertising purposes) is hereby expressly prohibited.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, it is not possible to answer technical questions about orchids by e-mail. So please write them in the forum.

3.) Disclaimer
3.1 Content posted by the staff of the Deutsche Orchideen-Gesellschaft
The content created by the webmaster of this site has been carefully checked and created to the best of our knowledge. However, no claim is made for the information provided here to be complete, up-to-date or correct. No responsibility can be accepted for damage caused by the content of this website.

3.2 External content posted by members of the forum
Each visitor is solely responsible for the content posted in the forum itself. This includes text, links, photos and all other types of files. The rights of third parties must not be violated in this way. The user indemnifies the operator of this website from third-party claims.
Contributions written in the forum only reflect the opinion of the respective author, not the opinion of the operator. Only the author is responsible for the correctness of the information.
Messages that violate the terms of use mentioned here will be deleted immediately by the administrators and moderators as soon as they become aware of it or are informed of it by others, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable. However, user contributions are not reviewed by the operator prior to publication. The provided forum system (Simple Machine Forum) works in real-time mode. It is therefore not possible for the operator of the forum to exercise direct control over the entries posted. Nor can it be guaranteed that all contributions will be automatically examined by the operator for a possible violation of the above points.

3.3 Exclusion of liability/Note on the problems of external links on this website
As the content provider, the webmaster is responsible for the “own content” that he makes available for use in accordance with general laws. Cross-references (“links”) to content provided by other providers are to be distinguished from this own content. He is only responsible for this third-party content if he has positive knowledge of it (ie also of illegal or criminal content) and if it is technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent its use. However, “links” are always “living” (dynamic) references. When the link was first created, the webmaster checked the third-party content to determine whether it might result in civil or criminal liability. However, he is not obliged to constantly check the content to which he refers in his offer for changes that could give rise to new liability. Only when he discovers or is informed by others that a specific offer to which he has provided a link triggers civil or criminal liability will he remove the link to this offer, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable for him. The technical possibility and reasonableness is not influenced by the fact that, even after the access from the “” service has been prevented, access from other servers to the illegal or criminal offer is possible.
Important note on all links on the entire website of
With the judgment of May 12, 1998 – 312 O 85/98 – “Liability for links” the district court of Hamburg decided that by placing a link, one may be responsible for the content of the linked page. According to the district court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content.
The following applies to all links on the pages:
We expressly declare that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on the entire website of This declaration applies to all links displayed on our website and to all content of the pages to which banners, buttons and links lead. These links are for the sole purpose of providing additional information to users. We would like to point out that if illegal content appears on websites linked from our Internet presence, we have no knowledge of it.
Please notify us immediately of any illegal content on the websites we link to so that we can remove the links.
Liability and copyright:
We have carefully considered and checked the content, information and information on our web pages, but we cannot guarantee that they are correct, complete and up-to-date. Our web pages may contain technical or other inaccuracies or typographical or typographical errors. This content is subject to constant changes/additions. All images, graphics and content are subject to copyright, as is the layout and structure of the entire website. All content is for personal information purposes only. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, publication, duplication and any form of commercial use as well as disclosure to third parties – even in parts or in revised form – is prohibited without the consent of
Our web pages may NOT be displayed in frames and/or reproduced in any other way (print, photo, screenshot, CD-ROMs, etc.) without our written consent. All trademarks and word marks used are the property of their respective owners, even if they are not expressly marked as such.

4.) Consequences for posting illegal content
We reserve the right to prosecute users who post illegal, offensive or other content that does not comply with the forum rules.
For this purpose, the IP addresses of the members are logged. This data is only available to the administrators and is only collected for this purpose.

5.) Recommendations to all members of the forum
Please consider carefully what data you publish in your profile. For example, we strongly recommend not making the private email address publicly available. Unfortunately, we live in an age of increasing cybercrime. Personal data is a very valuable commodity in this sense, and those who monetize it have no scruples.
For personal contact within the forum, it is better to use the option of sending personal messages (PM).
We try to keep access to the forum free of users with criminal intentions, but we cannot always guarantee this. Please keep in mind that this is a constant “rabbit and hedgehog game”. Whenever a possibility has been created to exclude criminal elements, one must assume that sooner or later these measures can be circumvented. Similar to the sector of viruses and worms or the “SPAM market segment”, there is a hard arms race throughout the Internet, including in our forum, between the providers of drugs (Viagra & Co) or pornographic content and the operators and developers of the forum instead of. Please support us in this fight by reporting any illegal activity to us immediately. Help us keep this forum clean so we can all benefit.
Your DOG Forums team

With its judgment of May 12, 1998 – 312 O 85/98 – “Liability for links” the district court (LG) Hamburg decided that by attaching a link, you may be responsible for the content of the linked page. According to the regional court, accepting this accountability can only be ruled out by expressly disassociating oneself from this content.
We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on this homepage and do not adopt this content as our own.
This declaration applies to all links on this website.
Editing, design and implementation of these pages: Rohde & Stark GmbH, Martin Kirsch
These pages have been designed to be barrier-free as far as possible and can be read aloud with screen readers, for example. In addition, the pages contain additional information on user guidance that is not shown on the screen. If you have any questions about this website, please contact the DOG office

Bernd Treder (President), Franz-Josef Richardt (Vice President), Monika Eckert (Vice President)
Niedernhausen, December 28, 2020